Sadly, my happy summer at Cambridge has come to an end. I am now back in the USA. This grand adventure as been the most rewarding experience of my life. It has opened new perspectives and ideas and freshened my academic curiosity. I have met so many wonderful people from all corners of the globe and I cannot yet fully express what this experience has meant to me. (Of course it doesn't help that it's 1:45AM in London and I'm jet lagged). It went by, as I knew that it would, much, much too quickly. I have had an amazing time.
I am off to Delaware now - well tomorrow I have to pack and get to Newark, DE by orientation on the 21st. There is a lot of tough work ahead of me, but I have new avenues of learning and understanding to explore. I have new motivations and a renewed drive to be successful, intellectual, travel and meet new people. I've met people over these last two weeks in ISS at Cambridge involved in politics in Washington DC and people who are involved in business. Both have provided examples of a different track my life could take after my PhD. My first task will be to do well in my course work, but I will have to set the task now of determining a path for my next 5 years. Public vs. Private sector? Research? Business/Entrepreneurship? Government? I can see opportunities that I didn't see before I flew to London in January - I was so single minded about research. I have much more confidence to consider opportunities I once thought beyond my reach.
To all whom I owe this experience - advisors, program directors and the fellowship committee etc...
Thank You