Monday, March 17, 2008

Roger M. Jones Fellowship Recipiant!


Congratulations on being chosen as a Roger M. Jones Fellow for 2008. The committee was unanimous on choosing you as one of the co-recipients of the fellowship for this year.

Within the next few weeks we will need to get together to discuss your decision about where to attend, the application status, and your budget.

You will be honored at the 2008 Student Leaders & Honors Brunch on:

Sunday, March 16, 2008
9 -11:30 a.m.
Michigan Union Ballroom

Please also invite your parents or guests. I have attached a copy of the invitation, but will send one via mail. Please rsvp to the website given on the invitation.

We look forward to seeing you on March 16th and working with you to prepare for your year abroad.

With regards,

J. M.

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