Wow, what a weird and wonderful weekend! I went to Scotland with Dan and Melissa! It was a ton of fun and I took close to 400 pictures! Dan and I took a bus trip up from Edinburgh to Loch Ness which was cool if a bit touristy. We climbed up Aurthur's Seat, this big mountain, hill thing in the middle of Edinburgh. Scotland it truly a very beautiful place. I got quite a bit or reading done on Gulliver's Travels for my rise of the novel class and wrote some of my prose piece for creative writing on the four hour train ride there and back. We also went to one of the art museums in Edinburgh, mustly just to use the loo after our walking tour but we took some time to walk around and see the art on the first floor. I wrote in my journal during Art and Society last week about artists during the 18th century using ultramarine blue in their work, especially relating to the Virgin Mary. Ultramarine blue was a color made out of lapis lazuli from Afghanistan, which was incredibly expensive, it was worth more than it's weight in gold. Artists who used a lot of ultramarine blue in their work were sending a message that they were successful enough, and a great enough artist to have attracted a wealthy patron who would pay for ultramarine blue paint. In the museum in Scotland I noticed all of the portraits of Mary, all of the ultramarine blue, and I thought about all of the wealthy patrons, all the artists using that paint. It was a pretty cool connection to my coursework and I think I'd like to write about the use of that paint for my essay. I'd like to learn more of the history, what are some of the most famous paintings and artists to use it and what was the significance.
Today in creative writing we're going to the Tate Modern. I'm kind of curious how our tutor's going to tie this into creative writing, but I'm excited to go and see the museum. I've been wanting to visit on one of my free days but I decided not to, since it's been on our syllabus and I wanted to save the visit for class. Though now I'm wishing I'd gone to see it on my own first to see it with fresh eyes before I see it with academic commentary.
On a brighter note, I got an admissions letter from Georgia Tech yesterday!!!
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