So yesterday was absolutely the best day ever! I woke up at 7, did my morning thing: shower, eggs, toast and coffee, catch the tube to Oxford Circus and went to creative writing class. During class we discussed London specific articles to exemplify setting and I got an idea for my prose piece. Suddenly, the ideas were just flowing and I had the whole story, or most of it in my head! I can't wait to get started on it this afternoon. I had lunch at Pret A Manger because I forgot my sandwich at home and went to theater class. We discussed A Midsummer Night's Dream and afterward I was chatting with Dan and Melissa, two of my classmates whom I'm planning on traveling with. The idea of Paris on Valentines day weekend came up and we're checking out prices on trains, flights and hostels! I'm really excited! Looking forward to pastries and crepes!
While we were chatting after class, Dan and Melissa kept going on and on about the different shows that they want to see. I don't have a list, but I want to see as many shows as possible. So right there in the lobby of the Uni at 5:30 we decided to go see Phantom. Not this weekend, not today, right then, that day. We walked down the the theater, bought tickets for the evening show that night - 40 pound seats for 20 pounds - thank you standby and student discounts! We went to the Texas Embassy, the only place for Tex-Mex food in London, for dinner before the show. We caught Phantom at 7:30 and the 10:45 Tube home to Old Street. I love London. You can choose on a whim, any day of the week to see a West-End Show, or live music, or a film, or a museum, or a gallery or anything!
What makes the day really wonderful though, is the e-mail I got when I got home. I was intending to write this post last night but I was distracted. In my inbox was my first acceptance letter to graduate school tuition and stipend included. (I say first in the meager hope that it's not the last acceptance I'll get!) University of Deleware: bottom of my list but still a good school. Along with the acceptance there was an e-mail about a program they have through NSF about a sustainable energy corriculm they're introducing. I could take classes on economics and policy, solar energy systems, hydrogen solar systems, fuel cells....It looks really interesting! If I get in nowhere else I will be happy to go to Deleware for my PhD. I have a list on my tack board. It has the names of the six schools I applied to and the bottom there's a question: No?! and below it a list of companies to try and beg a job from. I can cross that out now and but a YES next to one school.
I was screaming and dancing around the flat and I ran down to the corner shop and bought a bottle of the first Chardonnay I put my hands on (not the best ever but it would do). I shared the wine with my flatmates, called my mom and dad and talked to some friends from home. I couldn't sleep. I stayed up until 6AM talking with people. I totally lost track of time! I never do that when sleep is involved. My body just forgot to tell me to go to sleep. I love London, I love being here and now I can really relax and live it up. There is an end game. There's life after London and I don't have to obsess over the mystery of what it will be. I don't have to tell people I'm PLANNING on graduate school or I HOPE to go to graduate school when I get back. I AM a graduate student now. I will have a place to live, money to live on and a purpose, once this is over. A weight off my shoulders to KNOW what is going to happen.
Of course my friends thought that it is ridiculous that I was so worried. They said, well of course you got in, but I've never been sure of my own abilities. I'm glad that my first letter was an acceptance. That way when the news comes in from Stanford and MIT I don't have to be concerned that I won't get in anywhere. I already have.
Oh and to top off the best day ever, I got the post and my Student Oyster Card (long story of tedius detail about trying to replace a lost card and my silliness and confusion) finally came! No more using the last cash in my wallet to top up my pay as you go just before I try to catch the last train back to Old Street after an evening movie. (I REALLY wish the tubes ran all night long!) In short, between my story idea, good coffee and good friends, Paris in February, Phantom of the Opera, my Oyster card and my graduate school acceptance letter, yesterday was the best day ever!
1 comment:
Congratulations! I am very happy for you. You can chill with Prof. Martin and be cool because you published with the chair of the Udel MSE department.
We should catch up at some point, I would use skype but my camera died on my computer! Hope to hear from you soon!
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